
高需求的职业道路,名词urse从业者 在美国排名第一的职业.S. 新闻 & 《摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站》公布2024年最佳100份工作

For students interested in learning how to become a nurse practitioner, understanding the duties for which these healthcare professionals are responsible can offer a clearer picture of the challenges and rewards available in this field. 如果你觉得这是适合你的职业,那就去追求 执业护士计划 is an essential step in order to qualify for a position in this field.


A nurse practitioner is a healthcare service provider; they are also known as advanced practice registered nurses. B注册护士执业医师诊断和管理急慢性健康问题,p促进健康和疾病预防对个人和家庭进行教育和咨询ork in coordination with other healthcare professionals in hospitals, 诊所, 私人诊所, 研究环境.

Nurse从业者 must be licensed to practice as registered nurses in their states and must typically achieve certification from a national organization, such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center and American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 或儿科护理证书委员会(PNCB). Experience in the field of nursing is also typically required for licensure and certification.


工作描述 执业护士是有执照的医疗保健提供者
教育需求 硕士或博士学位
相关的认证 国家授权的
平均工资 $125,900
预期就业增长 45%(超过全国平均水平的15倍)


Because the process to become a nurse practitioner varies depending on education already earned, it can take three to eight years to complete all educational and licensure requirements. It typically begins with earning a four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, followed by a preferred year of clinical experience in the field, 然后获得护理学硕士学位(MSN-NP), 这可能需要两三年的时间. Some advanced roles in the field may require a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree, which can require another two to three years of part-time study. 

To  achieve success in this fast-paced field, nurse从业者 must: 

  • Stay current with new developments in the field of medicine and healthcare
  • Have superior communication skills to obtain information from patients and to record that data accurately
  • 表现出同理心和同情心, which are critical for professionals in all areas of the healthcare industry
  • 保持对细节的关注和较强的分析能力  

Because these medical professionals are often called upon to supervise or oversee others, leadership qualities are also necessary to ensure the best results for nurse从业者 in real-world situations. 


Nurse从业者 are in high demand in the job market thanks to their advanced training and a high degree of competence in a variety of medical environments. 事实上, 根据 U.S. 劳工统计局,他们分享 这个国家发展最快的职业排名第一 with an expected job growth rate of 45% through 2032 — 15x the national aver年龄.

The job description nurse that practitioner applicants can expect will change depending on the specialty field they elect to pursue and the organization where they intend to work. Some of the most important nurse practitioner job duties may include the following:

  • 记录病人病史
  • 确保医疗记录反映症状, 治疗, and administration of prescribed and over-the-counter medications
  • Performing intake duties to obtain information from patients and, 在某些情况下, 来自家人或监护人
  • Offering support for underserved/rural communities as primary caregivers who can:
    • 进行例行和详细的检查    
    • 开一些药  
  • Ordering diagnostic tests and operating some kinds of equipment in the medical environment
  • Evaluating test results to determine underlying physiological reasons for patient symptoms
  • Diagnosing medical conditions and devising treatment plans designed to alleviate pain and to stop the progress of diseases and conditions  
  • Supervising the activities of nurses and other staff in 诊所 and hospitals to ensure tasks are completed promptly and patients receive the best care possible
  • Educating patients and families about medical conditions and treatment plans
  • Collaborating with others in the healthcare field to share knowledge, create treatment regimens and diagnose patients with unusual or difficult sets of symptoms
  • 收集和整理患者的信息和样本 
  • Performing scientific procedures using cell cultures and other biological materials
  • 专门从事广泛的医疗类别,包括: 
    • 儿科护理 
    • 老年病学
    • 家庭医疗
    • 急症护理
    • 急诊室护理

学生选择一个特定的患者人群跟踪-如 家庭, adult-gerontology or 儿科 -获得护理学硕士学位(MSN-NP). 


根据 U.S. 劳工统计局, the median annual salary for nurse从业者 in May 2022 was $125,900. 收入最高的10%的人收入超过208美元,080, making this one of the best-paying careers in the nursing industry. 赔偿还可能包括健康和人寿保险, 照顾孩子的好处, 学费报销, 灵活的工作时间安排. 在医院环境中, nurse从业者 typically work long hours and may be required to perform their duties on call or in shifts that could cover nights, 周末及主要节假日. Individuals who are employed by 私人诊所 and 诊所 generally work regular schedules on weekdays and sometimes on weekends; however, they are not usually asked to work on holidays or at other times when the facility is closed.

执业护士职称 平均年薪
急症护理执业护士 $101,342
成人老年学执业护士 $90,102
急诊执业护士 $96,841
家庭护士 $94,232
儿科执业护士 $89,764
妇女保健执业护士 $91,270



Start your educational journey toward licensure and practice as a nurse practitioner at 格温内斯仁慈大学. Our Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Practitioner (MSN-NP) degree program offers three specialty tracks to choose from: Adult-Gerontology Primary Care, 家庭(贯穿一生), 和儿科初级保健. 我们还提供护理实践博士(DNP)学位.  

今天摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站的招生办公室 877-707-9064 或发邮件至 accelerate@mokmingsky.com 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站我们的 执业护士学位课程. We look forward to the chance to help you achieve your career goals.



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